waiting for delayed flight

February 26, 2011

beer drinking hands


Never a bad time for a cold one!  “The story behind these hands are our flight is delayed!”

Submitted by K. Wentworth

baking hands

February 26, 2011

moments that shape a childhood


These hands show the tender love between a Grandma and her granddaughter.  “Grandma, will you cook with me?  I have a tiny oven that makes tiny cakes and I will share, as long as I can lick the spoon when they are done!”

submitted by S. Parnin

full sink!

February 26, 2011

dish pan hands

Every day dishes must be done…This man is helping keep his world, and we suppose the larger world a clean place.  We thank him and all other’s who do the dishes. 🙂 

His hands tell us, he likes “clean”! 

picture submitted by K. Wentworth