intelligent hands

March 31, 2011

hands in a book
Ever seeking knowledge these hands lead their possessor through books!  These hands belong to a woman who has a passion for words and numbers.   These hands, too, are hands of an artist; one whose hands can direct the pencil and pen to draw beautiful images.  They are gentle, feminine hands radiating the desire to seek knowledge in this pose. Submitted by: S. Parnin

guitar woman

March 30, 2011

musician's hands

When my Dad took ill, it brought me great joy to be able to bring my guitar on my visits to see him.  It put a smile on his face and I hope made him forget about his pain for a time.

Music is life, music is emotion, music is healing, music is learning…music is everything to me 🙂


Submitted by:  J. Hart & S. Parnin

functional hand

March 30, 2011

the blue hand

This blue hand is located in the teen section of the Suffeld Library in Suffield, Ct.  The design is obviously inspired by artist Pedro Friedeberg.  Friedeberg designed the first hand chair in 1961 and he is known to have hated functionalism… To the contrary, this blue hand seems to be extrememly functional!

Submitted by: S. Parnin

hands in book stacks

March 30, 2011

a librarian's hands

I have been a children’s librarian for 17 years, but I have worked with children for 30 years. I love it. 🙂 At work I am known as Miss Wendy but the books think of me as their Little Bo Peep (with a significantly more mundane wardrobe.) However, I eschew Bo’s “leave them alone…” philosophy. If a book has gone missing it means one of two things: either it’s on a grand adventure visiting another book and I’ll need to get out my big boots, a treasure map and the magic gps, or — it’s shy. And with a little bit of love and reassurance, I can coax a shy book into revealing its hiding place for a trip home with a happy child.

Submitted by:  Miss Wendy & S. Parnin

As I am sure most people are watching the news about what is happening in Africa and the Middle East, I couldn’t help but be touched by the story of the woman who says she was raped by Gadhafi’s military.  I decided to post this video clip of her mother being interviewed being because her hands are visible at times.  This mother’s hands in action say so much to me, it is my interpretation.  Her hands are a loving mother’s hands, gentle hands, caring hands, concerned hands, anxious hands, angry hands, hands that would strangle.  Immense contrasts, but contrasts I will not judge.  I believe if I were in her situation, my hands would tell a similar story.

Where I sit, in the United States of America, thousands of miles away from this unrest (personal and civil), I pray for this mother and her daughter.  Even in the United States of America we are not free from oppressive acts of rape…no land is free from this barbaric act.   Naturally, I also pray for all of the people of Libya who are looking for freedom from 40 years worth of an oppressive dictator and his regime.

thoughts for today

March 16, 2011

I continue to be excited by the hands that are submitted to this blog.  In addtion, sharing the word that this blog has been created for the purpose of sharing hands that shape the world has sparked some interesting conversations that past week.  I hope that the people I have spoken with share their hands and some stories about how they shape their individual world and the world around them.

Currently, I am thinking about all of the hands at work searching for people after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.  The thousands of hands working to begin rebuilding…or just holding their heads in their out of fear. weakness or frustration resulting from the catastrophic natural disaster.  I share prayers with the people of that nation. 

My hands are currently looking for a job….one in which I can impact the lives of people around me.  At 34 I have made a decision to figure out a way to get back to school…I will leave it at that for now.  However, like most Americans, I need to multitask and earn an income while I pursue higher education.  The next few weeks and months may my story unfold…and my hands, along with my internal spirit will have been responsible for making it all happen.

Enjoy your day!

daisy scout hands

March 16, 2011

daisies at work

girl scout squeeze

Our troop is in our second year of Daisies.   We have worked on making the world a better place by helping others, learning about our environment, learning about recycling and doing a community projects.  

Submitted by S. Parnin

quilting hands

March 16, 2011

meticulous work
My name is Dorian and I grew up in Suffield, as did my father, my grandmother, and my gt. grandparents.  I learned to sew in school and from my grandmother.  My grandmother and I made most of my clothes.  She made my wedding dress on her treadle sewing machine.  As you can see my hands continue the tradition of sewing.  A thimble, thread, and fabrics put my hands to work to complete a quilt.






Submitted by S. Parnin

puzzling hands

March 16, 2011

the search goes on
Vernon was born in West Virginia, moved to New York State and ended up in Enfield, CT. He has been married to his wife for 44 years.  These hands have worked on many projects, including this puzzle.  In addition to working puzzles, Vernon plants a vegetable garden every summer and enjoys working outside. 




Submitted by S. Parnin

peaceful demonstration

March 16, 2011

raise your hand


Submitted by C. Williams